Friday, October 15, 2010

Free live chat software for your website (Integration service = $250 only)

Mibew Messenger (also known as Open Web Messenger) is an open-source live support application written in PHP and MySQL. It enables one-on-one chat assistance in real-time directly from your website. You can use this free chat support software with unlimited domains, unlimited operators, and unlimited visitors.


  • Mibew Messenger can be used with unlimited visitors, unlimited operators, and unlimited websites.
  • Mibew Messenger can be installed on your servers, so it is completely under your own control.
  • This free chat support software supports storing canned messages. So, operators can quickly pick a stored response and send it out.
  • When visitor or operator is typing, it shows “Typing”.
  • Operators can be divided into groups (like Sales, Technical etc.) Incoming chat from a visitor can automatically be directed to operators of a particular group.
  • Operator can see where did the visitor come from to the website.
  • Operator’s photo can be displayed in chat window.
Integrating Mibew with your new or running business/website is quite cumbersome and requires advanced technical skills to do it properly without damaging data.

Call 18663653909 or email to understand the benefits of integrating Mibew Messenger to your business/website.

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